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Write some text to the screen. This function is most appropriate for longer paragraphs. See cli_alert() for shorter status messages.


cli_text(..., .envir = parent.frame())



The text to show, in character vectors. They will be concatenated into a single string. Newlines are not preserved.


Environment to evaluate the glue expressions in.


Text wrapping

Text is wrapped to the console width, see console_width().


#> Lorem ad ipsum veniam esse nisi deserunt duis. Qui incididunt elit
#> elit mollit sint nulla consectetur aute commodo do elit laboris minim
#> et. Laboris ipsum mollit voluptate et non do incididunt eiusmod. Anim
#> consectetur mollit laborum occaecat eiusmod excepteur. Ullamco non
#> tempor esse anim tempor magna non.

New lines

A cli_text() call always appends a newline character to the end.

cli_text("First line.")
cli_text("Second line.")

#> First line.
#> Second line.


You can use inline markup, as usual.

cli_text("The {.fn cli_text} function in the {.pkg cli} package.")

#> The `cli_text()` function in the cli package.


String interpolation via glue works as usual. Interpolated vectors are collapsed.

pos <- c(5, 14, 25, 26)
cli_text("We have {length(pos)} missing measurements: {pos}.")

#> We have 4 missing measurements: 5, 14, 25, and 26.

Styling and interpolation

Use double braces to combine styling and string interpolation.

fun <- "cli-text"
pkg <- "cli"
cli_text("The {.fn {fun}} function in the {.pkg {pkg}} package.")

#> The `cli-text()` function in the cli package.

Multiple arguments

Arguments are concatenated.

cli_text(c("This ", "will ", "all "), "be ", "one ", "sentence.")

#> This will all be one sentence.


You can use cli_text() within cli containers.

ul <- cli_ul()
cli_li("First item.")
cli_text("Still the {.emph first} item")
cli_li("Second item.")
cli_text("Still the {.emph second} item")

#> • First item.
#> Still the first item
#> • Second item.
#> Still the second item