
These are non-semantic functions to format or output content to the console. They do not use the cli theme.


rule() creates a horizontal rule, potentially with labels. If you are building a semantic CLI, then consider using cli_rule() instead.

Simple rule, double rule, bars

rule(line = 2)

rule(line = "bar2")

rule(line = "bar5")

rule(center = "TITLE", line = "~")


rule(left = "Results")

rule(center = " * RESULTS * ")


rule(center = col_red(" * RESULTS * "))

rule(center = " * RESULTS * ", col = "red")

rule(center = " * RESULTS * ", line_col = "red")

rule(center = "TITLE", line = "~-", line_col = "blue")

rule(center = bg_red(" ", symbol$star, "TITLE", symbol$star, " "),
  line = "\u2582", line_col = "orange")


boxx("Hello there!")

Change border style

boxx("Hello there!", border_style = "double")

Multiple lines of text

boxx(c("Hello", "there!"), padding = 1)

Padding and margin

boxx("Hello there!", padding = 1)

boxx("Hello there!", padding = c(1, 5, 1, 5))

boxx("Hello there!", margin = 1)

boxx("Hello there!", margin = c(1, 5, 1, 5))


boxx("Hello there!", padding = 1, float = "center")

boxx("Hello there!", padding = 1, float = "right")


boxx(col_cyan("Hello there!"), padding = 1, float = "center")

boxx("Hello there!", padding = 1, background_col = "brown")

boxx("Hello there!", padding = 1, background_col = bg_red)

boxx("Hello there!", padding = 1, border_col = "green")

boxx("Hello there!", padding = 1, border_col = col_red)

Label alignment

boxx(c("Hi", "there", "you!"), padding = 1, align = "left")

boxx(c("Hi", "there", "you!"), padding = 1, align = "center")

boxx(c("Hi", "there", "you!"), padding = 1, align = "right")

A very customized box

star <- symbol$star
label <- c(paste(star, "Hello", star), "  there!")
  padding = 1,
  float = "center",
  border_col = "tomato3",


You can specify the tree with a two column data frame, containing the node ids/labels, and the list of their children.

data <- data.frame(
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  package = c("processx", "backports", "assertthat", "Matrix",
    "magrittr", "rprojroot", "clisymbols", "prettyunits", "withr",
    "desc", "igraph", "R6", "crayon", "debugme", "digest", "irlba",
    "rcmdcheck", "callr", "pkgconfig", "lattice"),
  dependencies = I(list(
    c("assertthat", "crayon", "debugme", "R6"), character(0),
    character(0), "lattice", character(0), "backports", character(0),
    c("magrittr", "assertthat"), character(0),
    c("assertthat", "R6", "crayon", "rprojroot"),
    c("irlba", "magrittr", "Matrix", "pkgconfig"), character(0),
    character(0), "crayon", character(0), "Matrix",
    c("callr", "clisymbols", "crayon", "desc", "digest", "prettyunits",
      "R6", "rprojroot", "withr"),
    c("processx", "R6"), character(0), character(0)
tree(data, root = "rcmdcheck")

An optional third column may contain custom labels. These can be colored as well:

data$label <- paste(data$package,
  col_grey(paste0("(", c("", "1.1.1", "0.2.0", "1.2-11",
    "1.5", "1.2", "1.2.0", "1.0.2", "2.0.0", "", "1.1.2",
    "2.2.2", "1.3.4", "1.0.2", "0.6.12", "2.2.1", "",
    "", "2.0.1", "0.20-35"), ")"))
roots <- ! data$package %in% unlist(data$dependencies)
data$label[roots] <- col_cyan(style_italic(data$label[roots]))
tree(data, root = "rcmdcheck")