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Create a function that can be used to add ANSI styles to text.


make_ansi_style(..., bg = FALSE, grey = FALSE, colors = num_ansi_colors())



The style to create. See details and examples below.


Whether the color applies to the background.


Whether to specifically create a grey color. This flag is included, because ANSI 256 has a finer color scale for greys, then the usual 0:5 scale for red, green and blue components. It is only used for RGB color specifications (either numerically or via a hexadecimal string), and it is ignored on eight color ANSI terminals.


Number of colors, detected automatically by default.


A function that can be used to color (style) strings.


The ... style argument can be any of the following:

  • A cli ANSI style function of class cli_ansi_style. This is returned as is, without looking at the other arguments.

  • An R color name, see grDevices::colors().

  • A 6- or 8-digit hexadecimal color string, e.g. #ff0000 means red. Transparency (alpha channel) values are ignored.

  • A one-column matrix with three rows for the red, green and blue channels, as returned by grDevices::col2rgb().

make_ansi_style() detects the number of colors to use automatically (this can be overridden using the colors argument). If the number of colors is less than 256 (detected or given), then it falls back to the color in the ANSI eight color mode that is closest to the specified (RGB or R) color.

See also


#> <cli_ansi_style>
#> Example output
#> <cli_ansi_style>
#> Example output
make_ansi_style("orange", bg = TRUE)
#> <cli_ansi_style>
#> Example output

orange <- make_ansi_style("orange")
#> <cli_ansi_string>
#> [1] foobar
#> foobar