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The cli_status_*() functions are superseded by the cli_progress_message() and cli_progress_step() functions, because they have a better default behavior.

Clear the status bar


  id = NULL,
  result = c("clear", "done", "failed"),
  msg_done = NULL,
  msg_failed = NULL,
  .envir = parent.frame()



Id of the status bar container to clear. If id is not the id of the current status bar (because it was overwritten by another status bar container), then the status bar is not cleared. If NULL (the default) then the status bar is always cleared.


Whether to show a message for success or failure or just clear the status bar.


If not NULL, then the message to use for successful process termination. This overrides the message given when the status bar was created.


If not NULL, then the message to use for failed process termination. This overrides the message give when the status bar was created.


Environment to evaluate the glue expressions in. It is also used to auto-clear the status bar if .auto_close is TRUE.

See also

The cli_progress_message() and cli_progress_step() functions, for a superior API.

Other status bar: cli_process_start(), cli_status(), cli_status_update()